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Workplace Violence Instructor Certification Bundle

Workplace Violence Instructor Certification—Manager Training

This course provides an enhanced understanding of Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention (WVPI)
principles, WVPI policies, processes, and protocols to achieve Instructor Certification. Upon completion, learners
will be able to deliver and train their organization’s managers and community leaders onsite or virtually. The
focus of the core curriculum is to provide workplace violence instruction consistent with all prevailing standards
and best practices.

Upon course completion, learners will receive CPPS Workplace Violence Instructor Certification confirming the
ability to provide instruction in CPPS curriculum. The training curriculum is licensed for use while certification
requirements remain current.
Completion is determined by passing a 20-question timed multiple-choice exam with a grade of 70% or higher
presented at the end of the course.
This course qualifies for four credits towards the ASIS International CPE program

Upon completion of this course, individuals will be able to:
1) Expand knowledge levels to articulate a Standards-based training regimen for individuals to facilitate
organizational and community Workplace Violence and Active Assailant Prevention, Intervention and
Response training for managerial personnel.
2) Educate individuals at an enhanced level with additional emphasis on the following subjects:
a) Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention manager’s level role and responsibilities
b) Ability and skills necessary to identify, respond, and report concerning behaviors and emergencies.
c) Supporting the Threat Management Team
d) Enhanced verbal de-escalation strategies
3) Recognize resources for self-paced continuing education.
4) Outline documentation and record-keeping considerations for tracking completion.
  • WVIC - MT - Mod 1 - Course Introduction
  • WVIC - MT - Mod 2 - Violence Prevention Concepts for Leaders
  • WVIC - MT - Mod 3 - Enhanced Threat Awareness Concepts
  • WVIC - MT - Mod 4 - Enhanced De-Escalation Concepts
  • WVIC - MT - Mod 5 - WVP Enhanced Guidance for Leaders - Demonstration
  • WVIC - MT - Exam
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years